1. Making the Right Choices
Reliable corrosion shelter for Precast Segmental Concrete Construction Structure of Span Bridge. Asset protection is a crucial issue for our clients. Establishing the right distinctions often influences long-term returns and in-service performance–issues close to the soul of any institution.
The Provocation
One of our eminent customers in the Precast Segmental Concrete Construction Structure of the Span Bridge sector gets difficult choosing the right coating system for protecting their assets from a harsh environment in the coastal area of Mumbai. Then Carecil stepped into this challenge so-called opportunity.
Carecil delivers a suitable coating system as per the coatings specified needed to be solid enough to withstand impacts and robust enough to protect the structure from the tough environment.
The Service
To meet customer criteria, Carecil comes up with a self-priming and high-build coating system to achieve a fast production rate. Our inception series has great competence against highly corrosive and salty environments. Moreover, it’s low VOC and advanced composition minimize the impact on the environment while extending coating protection.
With accreditation to national and international standards, our technical team always have prefect and cost effective solution.
2. Meeting speedy Production rate with High mechanical strength.
Production processes generate micro-climates within a facility, such as wet/dry fields and vapour affected territories, which can cause premature failure of a coating system. We have a collection of products suited for all conditions
The Provocation
As an established and trusted supplier of lift components to automotive and heavy industries, Our Client needs a heavy-duty anti-corrosive coating system to shield them from the exterior atmosphere with tight production meet. Upon these specifications, they have to sacrifice gloss retention, visual appearance, and finish of coating. To overcome these difficulties Carecil comes forward to support.
The Service
We Carecil about our customer product visual appearance of the brand and capital equipment to secure market reputation through our product perfection and technical support. They choose our Inception series for its fast production rate and glossy finish with desired mechanical strength.
3. Tough Environment. Tough Coating.
Our coatings and filling component, built up to face our clients’ coating challenges and gratify their unique demands, are keeping our one of the prominent dyes manufacturers’ fourth unit safe from the ravaging effects of C-4 climatic condition and chemical attack.
The Provocation
To meet growing global demand and address new market trends, our client set up new production facilities in Vagra near by Dahej coastal zone. As dyes manufacturers have different operations during their processes like Nitration, Sulphonation, Bromination, and Alkylation, demanding coatings will have to withstand to chemical resistance and corrosive environment vicinity. If the plant’s rack, vessels, and other structures were not adequately protected with an appropriate coating system, detrimental damage could occur.
The Service
Needs a coatings supplier who could serve both a high-quality coating solution and full application assistance. And Carecil gets up with unique three-coat coating systems with online support throughout the end of the mission.
Our inception series with Primer, intermediate, and subsequent tough topcoat would be administered under our full guidelines. We joined with a 3-year warranty after the completion of this milestone project.